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Seafood25 21.07.20 18:40
It is said to heal a red and swollen throat and cure boils, sores or carbuncles as well.
In children, it is especially used to treat convulsions in addition to wheezing, vomiting, diarrhea, mucus, fever, unconsciousness, seizures or epilepsy, meningitis, measles, and gastroenteritis.

The bezoar is usually taken in pill form and is not recommended for women who are pregnant.
When mixed with water buffalo horn or rhinoceros horn, the treatment is said to cure encephalitis, meningitis, and even Legionnaire’s condition.

When it is put together with musk, frankincense, and myrrh, it is said to treat breast cancer, buboes, subcutaneous nodules, abscesses, scrofula and malignant sores.Cow Gallstones For Sale

So, what could the bezoar actually be doing to be able to see this effects? Bile that has high concentrations of hydrophobic bile acids act as powerful detergents.

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