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asinfovision 02.12.21 14:58
Sobraniye is a party occasion for the students and guardians who have picked Rus Education. It is a Pre-Departure service directed every year for students who have taken a crack at Russia's Top Medical Universities for their MBBS in Russia to commend one final time before they enter their new period of life. The Universities where the students are traveling are Perm State Medical University, Orenburg State Medical University, and Mari State university.
Mr. Vasili Shagap invited the students to Russia as they are beginning their excursion for MBBS in Russia . He likewise complimented the connection among India and Russia, he shared that Russian Medical Universities give Top-Notch medical education, and furthermore urged the students to dominate in their investigations to become phenomenal specialists one day.
For more details visit at our website: braniye-2021-pre-departure-cer emony-of-indian-students.html

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