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Earth Derm
Earth Derm _

Dover Heights _

0499 196 084 _


earthderm 30.05.19 16:30
Many people these days are concerned with the impact they have on the Earth. From minimizing the use of plastic bags to frequenting health food stores and even purchasing all-natural soaps and shampoos, there are many things we can do to help. You can also bring your green-friendly initiative into your beauty routine. With the pure beauty products at Earth Derm, you can feel beautiful while you are helping to make the world a better place. None of our products are tested on animals, they are only made from pure, eco-friendly ingredients, and we only use recyclable packaging. Based in Dover Heights, Earth Derm is passionate about introducing unrefined and natural beauty products to salons and clients alike. Visit our website today to learn more about our ethical beauty products.

Earth Derm

Dover Heights

0499 196 084

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