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kairaliproduct 28.04.20 14:24

Kairali’s famous Ayurvedic product; Anu Thailam (Anu oil or Anu Taila), is a medicated herbal oil used for the treatment of disease-related to head, eyes, brain, and nose. Anu oil is dispensed as Ayurvedic nasal drops that act as complementary management for respiratory infections. The Ministry of AYUSH issued a health advisory for COVID-19 to use Anu thailam for prevention from communicable diseases. Instilling 2 drops of Ayurveda Nasya medicated oil in each nostril daily in the morning helps manage the symptoms of Coronavirus. It treats sinusitis and respiratory ailments by clearing out the blockages in the respiratory canal and by promoting the secretion of sputum, thus helps ease breathing. It is one of the most effective Ayurvedic medicated Nasya oil used in the treatment of sinusitis, migraine, headache, memory loss, nervous disorders, and mental stress. As a cosmetic aspect, Anu thailam (Anu oil or Anu taila) also helps to prevent hair-fall, premature greying of hair, and improve skin’s glow.
For more information about Anu Thailam, visit https://www.kairaliproducts.in /anu-thailam-10ml.html or contact us at +91-9555156156 or write to us at support@kairaliproducts.com

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