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Parkdale Dental Centre
Ottawa, ON K1Y 4R4 Canada _

(613) 728-4991 _


parkdaledental 30.06.19 09:01
smile due to fear of being teased. With our help, you can finally turn that frown upside-down. We at Parkdale Dental Centre are committed to providing effective dental implants for patients in Ottawa. The process is simple. Our dental team will place an artificial implant into the area with the missing tooth. The implant and your bones will then undergo integration, making sure you never have to worry about showing that beautiful smile of yours in public. From single crowns to implant stabilized overdentures, we offer multiple types of dental implant restorations. There is no time to waste. Visit our clinic or call (613) 728-4991 to schedule a checkup.

Parkdale Dental Centre

383 Parkdale Ave, Suite 409, Ottawa, ON K1Y 4R4 Canada

(613) 728-4991

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