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Bed Bug Exterminator Kansas City
Kansas City, MO 64126 _

(816) 319-0513 _


superpestkille1 06.06.19 09:18
Bed bugs can inhabit anyone’s home or business. While some pest control companies may offer bed bug removal services, they aren’t experts. At Bed Bug Exterminator Kansas City, bed bugs are the only pest we deal with and are pleased to offer our expertise to the Kansas City, MO area. Our technicians are some of the best in the industry. They have extensive training in identifying bed bug infestations, which enables them to do thorough bed bug inspections for our customers. We can without a doubt give you a definite answer as to whether or not bedbugs are the problem. After our technicians have established that bed bugs are the issue, we will make a recommendation for extermination services, including the use of treatments that are over 98% more effective than other exterminators treatments.

Bed Bug Exterminator Kansas City

(816) 319-0513

6924 E Truman Rd #02, Kansas City, MO 64126


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